How to Ask For Wine Recommendations
When in doubt, you can always ask for a wine recommendation. There are many ways to ask a sommelier for a wine recommendation, such as telling a story, talking about yourself, or even choosing a non-vintage wine. Below are some tips to help you find the right wine for you and your situation. You can have a successful evening by trying any or all of these tips.
Telling a Story
While asking for recommendations, it is important to go beyond the level of mere description. Telling a story about a particular wine will evoke more interest from readers and allow you to tell them a personal story about it. This will show that your thoughts about the wine are important and what it has in store for you. If you prefer, you can also share information about the winery and your company. It will feel more authentic and the winery will likely get the recommendation they need.

When you tell a story about a particular wine, you create a memorable experience for your customers. It helps them to relate to the wine, and gives them something to talk over while they drink it. If the story is compelling, customers will be more likely to purchase it. But when you do not have enough time to do this, you can also choose to just offer a small sample and request payment.
Sommeliers and you have a great conversation
You may be intimidated by the intimidating jargon and terminology surrounding wine, but don’t be. Sommeliers are available to assist you and help you understand the intricacies of wine. They can also make your life easier. The more information they have, the easier it will be for them to make suggestions that fit your needs and budget. This isn’t an amateur move.
First of all, remember that sommeliers shouldn’t be sitting in a corner. They should be friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable. It’s not a good idea to try to understand their jargon or appear to be trying to impress them. Instead, engage in conversation with them to make recommendations and have them feel comfortable talking to.
Telling the customer a story of the wine
A great way to make wine more memorable is to tell the customer a story about the wines. It gives the customer something to relate too, and it also gives them something to talk about at their home. Plus, this way, the customer has a reason to come back. This approach has worked for wineries of all types, including boutiques, restaurants, and even big companies.
A compelling story requires that the characters are real and believable. People are emotional connectors and storytelling is the key to engaging prospects. Customers will remember Mitsuko’s Vineyard if they see a wine label with a vineyard picture. Another winery that leverages humor in their advertising and marketing is Slo Down Wines, which uses the founder’s nakedness and smoking habit to connect with customers.
You can choose a wine that isn’t vintage
Asking a friend or family member to recommend a wine is a good idea. This is because wine age well, so the flavor of a particular vintage will likely increase with time. However, wines can have different tastes and reactions, so it is not always the best decision to choose a vintage.
First, choose the wine you want to drink. The vintage refers to the year that the grapes were picked. Although vintage can have an impact on a wine’s taste, critics tend to focus more on the producer and less on the wine itself. When asking someone to recommend a wine, don’t let the price be your only criteria.